6 posts tagged mafia

Supernatural suspect fled Halloween murder

On Halloween night, 1978, Joel A. Vernon, 23, owner of the Cave Bar in Leesville, Louisiana, stood in the back room of the club with employees James Regallis, 22, and Timothy Bray, 19. The trio stood over Private First-Class Michael E. Melcher, a Madison, Wisconsin soldier stationed at Fort Polk, pressing him to repay his debts, according to police. However, relatives of the bar owner later insisted something supernatural prompted Vernon’s meeting that night with Melcher.

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Horse-eating cat did not kill Ed Kinchen

Woodsman Milt Powers believes Ed Kinchen was killed by a seven-foot panther, one of the largest and most ferocious known in Louisiana. However, law enforcement believe the Springfield rancher may have been killed by a monster of the human variety.

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