44 posts tagged New Orleans

Why Police haven’t found the New Orleans snipers

The New Orleans Police Department’s Director of Communications asked me to stop referring to Interstate 10 shooters as serial snipers, and I complied. Then I got to thinking about it… Truth-in-Journalism is something we need desperately today.

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NOPD says State Police no help with I-10 snipers

In April, the New Orleans Police Department’s Director of Communications asked me to stop referring to Interstate 10 shooters as serial snipers, and I have complied. However, for the record, the Merriam-Webster dictionary does define “serial” as “performing a series of similar acts over time” and “snipe” as “to shoot at exposed individuals from a concealed point of vantage.” In other words, repeat offenders do not have to fire high-powered rifles from atop high-rise hotels to be called snipers.

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New Orleans’ infamous trunk murders revisited

In the summer of 1944, Louisiana State Penitentiary inmate number 18038, a trustee on a routine run to the Angola post office, flagged down a taxicab. The man hired the driver to drop him one hundred miles away at the train station in Hammond, Louisiana.

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Covington Hitman led rampage after Angola pardon

At dusk, November 20, 1974, hunters discovered what they initially thought was a department store mannequin in a wooded area northeast of Hammond. Bobbye Randall Bond, 27, of Amite, was shot once in the head and once in the chest, days after a New Orleans grand jury subpoenaed her to testify about a narcotics operation extending from New Orleans into Tangipahoa Parish.

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