9 posts tagged sniper


NOPD says State Police no help with I-10 snipers

In April, the New Orleans Police Department’s Director of Communications asked me to stop referring to Interstate 10 shooters as serial snipers, and I have complied. However, for the record, the Merriam-Webster dictionary does define “serial” as “performing a series of similar acts over time” and “snipe” as “to shoot at exposed individuals from a concealed point of vantage.” In other words, repeat offenders do not have to fire high-powered rifles from atop high-rise hotels to be called snipers.

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New Orleans serial shootings unsolved, unhindered

Last Summer, Bayou Justice identified sixty potentially related shootings on two New Orleans interstate highways. Today, every news outlet in the state reports nightly on the attacks, making the highways around Crescent City a shooting gallery. However, New Orleans officials remain tight-lipped, refusing to admit they may have a serial sniper in their city. On Valentine’s Day, The New Orleans Police Department found a man shot multiple times in a vehicle on the Pontchartrain Expressway near Slidell exit on I-10. Wednesday evening, February 2, around eleven, an unidentified sniper shot ...

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Unsolved serial shootings still plague I-10

In July, I reported on several potentially related shootings on two New Orleans interstate highways. Three months later, the shootings continue, now listing a honeymoon couple and an off-duty police officer among the victims.

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DA’s Cold Case Unit to revisit Sibille case, others

Last week, we recapped the unsolved 1974 murder of a 19-year-old Jefferson Downs thoroughbred jockey named James Robert Sibille. This is one of the many cold case files Bayou Justice has revisited from the New Orleans area, and this week, we share more related to Sibille’s death. However, I want to first take a moment to suggest that New Orleans District Attorney Jason Williams may have taken notice of our efforts. Wednesday, a news release from his office announced the formation of a new Cold Case Unit to “get murderers off the streets and bring healing to families.”

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